The politics of Literature in «Los Rembrandt de L'Hermitage» (1992)


  • Adianys González Herrera Universidad de Concepción, Concepción, Chile


empire of the senses, distribution of the sensible, Los Rembrandts de L´Hermitage, Fina García Marruz


Introduction: The poetry book Los Rembrandt de L´Hermitage (1992) by Fina García Marruz is analyzed as a «practice of non-belonging», a concept proposed by Florencia Garramuño (2015), specifically the practice of the «empire of the senses».

Methods: The critical-interpretive methodology of Florencia Garramuño's thought, which is based on the thinking of Jacques Rancière, was used to conduct a text analysis.

Results: Each poem is characterized to argue that the poetry collection is configured as an empire of the senses through ekphrasis.

Conclusions: The poetry book reconfigures the sensible through the dissolution of inside/outside, contemplation/action, divine/human, extraordinary/ordinary, by exploring the paintings that cause a feeling as sensation and as emotion.


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Author Biography

Adianys González Herrera, Universidad de Concepción, Concepción, Chile

(1990, Cuba). Licenciada en Letras por la Universidad Central «Marta Abreu» de Las Villas (2013). Doctoranda en Literatura Latinoamericana de la Universidad de Concepción (Chile). Este artículo se inscribe dentro de la tesis doctoral «Política de la literatura y condición femenina en la obra poética de Fina García Marruz». Fue financiado por la beca de Doctorado Nacional 2020-21200597 de la Agencia Nacional de Investigación y Desarrollo de Chile (ANID).


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How to Cite

González Herrera, A. (2024). The politics of Literature in «Los Rembrandt de L’Hermitage» (1992). Islas, 66(208), e1442. Retrieved from https://islas.uclv.edu.cu/index.php/islas/article/view/1442


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