Section Policies

The journal has three sections:


          It is in charge of the editorial.


         Papers of scientific content, submitted to a double-blind refereeing process by recognized international researchers.


       Texts that, due to the interest of the Universidad Central "Marta Abreu" de Las Villas, are published in Islas in order to contribute to the preservation of its historical memory. Submitted to a member of the Editorial Committee and to recognized national researchers external to the publishing entity.

Peer review process.

Texts submitted to the journal are considered confidential during the entire process prior to publication.

Before being approved for submission to expert peers, each document is reviewed by the Editorial Collective. First, it is analyzed using the program called Plagiarism to check the originality of the articles (up to 25% similarity is allowed in order to consider the manuscript as original). It is also the responsibility of this group to ensure full compliance with the purpose and scope of the journal, as well as with its structure and format.  Originals that do not meet these requirements are returned to the authors.

Once approved for evaluation, they are sent to expert peers external to the publishing institution and independent of the institutional affiliation of the authors, who evaluate their scientific and academic quality. The evaluation method used is "double blind", guaranteeing the anonymity of both the author and the readers. For this process, the journal has a form that allows reviewers to evaluate the quality and relevance of the articles.

Recognized national and foreign experts work in the evaluation system as referees or reviewers of the originals. They present the result of their evaluation according to the following categories:

  • Accepted: The document can be published in its current form.
  • Accepted with suggestions:  The document can be published in its current form, but the experts make some suggestions that may or may not be followed.
  • Accepted with mandatory modifications (resubmissions): The document can be published, provided that the authors follow the recommendations of the experts.
  • Declined:  The paper should not be published in the journal.

When the opinions of the peers are contrary, a third expert is consulted. The Editorial Committee will notify the author of the result of the evaluation process in less than 120 days.