The interpretive work of Efraín Loyola: a reference in Cuban flute playing within the charanga orchestra


  • Yosvel Torres Medina Universidad de Cienfuegos «Carlos Rafael Rodríguez»
  • Elianet Medina Abreu Universidad de Cienfuegos «Carlos Rafael Rodríguez»


charanga orchestra, flute, interpretativa work, Efraín Loyola


ABSTRACT: Introduction: The objective of this article is to assess the significance of Efraín Loyola's interpretive work within the charanga orchestra. Methods: It is a prescriptive, descriptive analysis based on John Rink's model. This theory encompasses the formal and conceptual analysis of music itself and the interpretative contributions of the performer's subjectivity. Results: It is noticeable the use of positions not contemplated in the traditional methods of flute teaching to obtain homonymous sounds in the different registers. The preference of the wooden flute with five keys on the system flute stands out, giving the interpretation a more accentuated and less strident sound. This makes Efraín Loyola's interpretative work stylistically recognizable as it possesses a personal and distinctive expressiveness. Conclusions: The contribution of Efraín Loyola, first as part in the Aragón orchestra and the later brass bands founded by him, ranges from the particular choice of the instrument, to new positions for its execution, not contemplated for the flute in the traditional teaching methods or in the studies consulted. 


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Author Biographies

Yosvel Torres Medina, Universidad de Cienfuegos «Carlos Rafael Rodríguez»

Yosvel Torres Medina (Cienfuegos, 1982). Se ha desempeñado como profesor de la Universidad de Cienfuegos «Carlos Rafael Rodríguez» desde el año 2015. Cursa estudios en la Maestría en Historia y Antropología sociocultural cubana. Su línea de investigación está determinada por el estudio de personalidades e instituciones culturales vinculados a la música.

Elianet Medina Abreu, Universidad de Cienfuegos «Carlos Rafael Rodríguez»

Elianet Medina Abreu (Cienfuegos, 1993). Se ha desempeñado como profesora de la Universidad de Cienfuegos «Carlos Rafael Rodríguez» desde el año 2016. Cursa estudios en la Maestría en Historia y Antropología sociocultural cubana. Es miembro de la Asociación de Hermanos Saíz.


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How to Cite

Torres Medina, Y., & Medina Abreu, E. (2022). The interpretive work of Efraín Loyola: a reference in Cuban flute playing within the charanga orchestra. Islas, 64(201), Pp. 16–29. Retrieved from https://islas.uclv.edu.cu/index.php/islas/article/view/1213


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