Toponomastic in Cuba. Morphosyntactic description in names of kindergartens



toponomastics, morphosyntax, kindergarten, determinant, derivation, plural


In a previous study on Cuban toponomastics, the semantic and pragmatic springs that, among the names of the institutions, motivated the denomination of kindergartens, have been marked. The study warned about the need to extend the analysis to other levels, which is why this work intends to deal with, in the same object, certain distinctive morphosyntactic phenomena: its structure, derivation, interpretations of the plural and determination. Theoretical, empirical and specialized methods were applied, as well as grammatical analysis techniques with a descriptive and functional approach in order to address the significance of the mechanisms identified in the naming of these preschool education centers. The results also contribute to the description of the variant of Spanish spoken on the island.


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Author Biographies

Yamilé Pérez García, Universidad Central «Marta Abreu» de Las Villas

Licenciada en Letras por la Universidad Central «Marta Abreu» de Las Villas (UCLV). Máster en Estudios Lingüístico-Editoriales Hispánicos por la UCLV. Profesora auxiliar del Departamento de Lingüística y Literatura de la Facultad de Humanidades (UCLV).

Luis Ramón Campo Yumar, Universidad Central «Marta Abreu» de Las Villas

Licenciado en Letras por la Universidad Central «Marta Abreu» de las Villas (UCLV). Máster en Estudios Teóricos y Metodológicos del Español Actual por la UCLV. Profesor asistente del Departamento de Lingüística y Literatura de la Facultad de Humanidades (UCLV). Miembro de Society for Caribbean Research (SOCARE).


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RODRÍGUEZ, T. M. (2005). Manual de sintaxis del español. Madrid: Editorial Castalia.

ULLMAN, S. (1972). Semántica. Introducción a la ciencia del significado. Madrid: Aguilar S.L.



How to Cite

Pérez García, Y. ., & Campo Yumar, L. R. . (2021). Toponomastic in Cuba. Morphosyntactic description in names of kindergartens. Islas, 63(200), Pp. 55–69. Retrieved from https://islas.uclv.edu.cu/index.php/islas/article/view/1197


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