The city perceived, longed for and politically projected: bases of a city brand for Trinidad (Cuba)


  • Yánder Castillo Salina Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
  • José Ángel Inmersoft S.U.R.L.


city branding, Trinidad, cultural identity, sustainable urban development


Introduction: In today's hyper-globalized world, designing city brands that align with local identities and the aspirations of urban groups is an essential condition for sustainable urban development. The objective of this study was to determine the foundations for a brand for the five-centuries-old city of Trinidad (Cuba).

Methods: The methodology focused on three key aspects: (1) the city as perceived by internal audiences, (2) how it is viewed by external audiences, and (3) the city as projected by the social groups that inhabit it and shape local and national policies.

Results: The findings reveal a homogeneous urban identity aligned with aspirations for Trinidad, expanding the range of possibilities for establishing a viable brand consistent with Cuba’s tourism and social model.

Conclusions: Although heritage remains the central axis of Trinidad’s cultural identity and sustainable development, there is a strong aspiration to achieve the comprehensive commercialization of the destination, aiming to highlight other local values such as its stunning beaches, natural landscapes, and traditions.


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Author Biographies

Yánder Castillo Salina, Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú

(1991, Cuba). Doctor en Ciencias Sociológicas (2021), Máster en Desarrollo Cultural Comunitario (2018), Licenciado en Periodismo (2015) por la Universidad de Oriente (Cuba) y Especialista en Métodos y Técnicas de Investigación Social (2024), por el Consejo Latinoamericano de Ciencias Sociales (CLACSO). Docente-investigador del Departamento Académico de Comunicaciones, de la Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú.


José Ángel, Inmersoft S.U.R.L.

(1995, Cuba). Licenciado en Economía (2016), por la Universidad de Oriente (Cuba). Presidente de Inmersoft S.U.R.L., Pyme cubana especializada en la producción de software, guías digitales interactivas y brandig. Ha recibido el Premio de Innovación en congresos y ferias internacionales como ExpoCaribe 2023 e InnovaCuba, este último auspiciado por la Embajada de Francia en Cuba a fin de contribuir a la aceleración de empresas en crecimiento. Es asesor de la Red de Oficinas de Ciudades Patrimoniales de Cuba para temas de innovación informática y estrategias de branding territorial.


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How to Cite

Castillo Salina, Y., & Yañez Reyes, J. Ángel. (2025). The city perceived, longed for and politically projected: bases of a city brand for Trinidad (Cuba). Islas, 67(210), e1536. Retrieved from https://islas.uclv.edu.cu/index.php/islas/article/view/1536


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