Peculiarities of the Subordinate Clause in Spanish. Its Impact on Journalistic Writing


  • Yanisbel Ríos Laborde Centro de Lingüística Aplicada, Santiago de Cuba


subordination, journalistic writing


The Center of Applied Linguistics in Santiago de Cuba (CLA), in search of new challenges, is involded in a highly social and scientific impact project the Spanish Corpus in Cuba (CIECu). Within its main objective, the construction of a representative corpus of our reality, linguistically modulated from the introduction of texts from different fields: literature, media, orality and texts published on the network (chat, forums, blogs), our research is focused on the study of journalistic syntax in the representative written press of each of the provinces, for the time being, in the eastern zone. Currently, the research process is concentrated on the analysis, scope, advantages, disadvantages, uses and misuses of adjectival subordination in the journalistic writing of the different sections of the newspaper Venceremos, from Guantánamo province. Precisely, this is the core of the present article.


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Author Biography

Yanisbel Ríos Laborde, Centro de Lingüística Aplicada, Santiago de Cuba

Licenciada en Educación en la especialidad de Humanidades (2008) por la Universidad de Ciencias Pedagógicas (UCP) «Frank País García» de Santiago de Cuba. Trabajó como profesora de Lengua Española en el IES «Hermanos Marañón» de la propia provincia. Actualmente es especialista CITMA en el Centro de Lingüística Aplicada de Santiago de Cuba, donde participa, como investigadora, en los proyectos: Corpus del español de Cuba (CIECu), y la quinta edición del Diccionario básico escolar.


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How to Cite

Ríos Laborde, Y. . (2021). Peculiarities of the Subordinate Clause in Spanish. Its Impact on Journalistic Writing. Islas, 63(200), Pp. 112–121. Retrieved from https://islas.uclv.edu.cu/index.php/islas/article/view/1200


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